Chronic illness is no fun. If you're here, you already know that.

I’m Julia, and I've been living with chronic illness for more than a decade. My doctors are fantastic, my husband is beyond supportive, my friends are helpful and delightful, and it is still a struggle to get through every single day. This site is here to share the rants, resources, reviews, and ruminations I've created in my time as an angry invalid.

On Friendship, Hockey, and Depression

Hockey player Dan Carcillo, a strong advocate for athletes' health and founder of the Chapter 5 Foundation, shared his own experiences with depression after the loss of his friend and fellow player Steve Montador. His words are simple but powerful, and the goal of the Chapter 5 Foundation, to help athletes transition into life after professional sports, is an important one.


Thanks to Jason S. for telling me about Dan and the foundation!

A Link Between Epstein-Barr Virus and Multiple Sclerosis?

A Link Between Epstein-Barr Virus and Multiple Sclerosis?

A Physician Looks at the Challenges of Continuing Care

A Physician Looks at the Challenges of Continuing Care